Year in Review: Advocacy Hot Topics
COVID-19 Information and Links
MiOTA is working with state and national authorities to bring us the most accurate and up-to-date information on COVID-19 specific to our state. Please be aware that information is subject to change quickly during this challenging time.
For general information on national issues,
If you are an occupational therapy practitioner with questions, please visit:
If you are an occupational therapy student, please visit:
For client recommendations and suggestions, please visit:
Not only is hand washing the best way to prevent the spread of germs, but it is also one of the most important activities of daily living during this outbreak!
At the beginning of May 2020, Michigan has made huge strides allowing occupational therapists to bill for telemedicine services. Occupational therapy services provided by telemedicine are retroactively included from March 1, 2020. This change is allowed through the public health crisis and is not intended to be long term.
MiOTA is committed to expanding this policy long term as a tool for therapists and we are advocating to extend the policy beyond this epidemic to protect and support our clients throughout Michigan.
Please read MiOTA's thank you letter to Governor Whitmer for the updated Medicaid policy 2029.
Dear MiOTA Member,
MiOTA is aware of the concerns many of you have regarding the impact of COVID-19 on your personal and professional life. Since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Michigan, many questions and concerns have been submitted to our association. This is a difficult time for all of us and rest assured your professional association volunteer leadership in collaboration with our lobbyist, Bret Marr and the AOTA Regulatory Affairs committee have been collaborating to answer questions and provide resources.
Many questions have been focused upon the ability to provide telehealth services. Nationally, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) have made changes to allow for expanded E-visit coverage through Medicare Part B (not under Medicare Part A). An E-visit is provided under Medicare Part B to an established patient who is currently receiving treatment when the patient contacts you through a patient portal. As the treating therapist, you can then respond to the patient’s request in writing through email or the patient’s portal. An E-visit is not considered telehealth. Occupational therapy is still excluded at this time from telehealth services. Please reference the Telehealth FAQ.
The current state of telehealth for allied health professionals is currently very fluid and our legislators are working to clarify rules of practice within the state. On March 24, 2020, the U. S. Secretary of Health and Human Services sent a letter to the governors urging them to use all available authorities to waive or suspend state licensure, supervision, and scope of practice laws and regulation to extend the capacity of the healthcare system during this pandemic. Our current professional scope under Michigan law does not specifically include telehealth visits however the Public Health Code generally allows allied health services to provide telehealth if the insurer allow it. Please reference the Telehealth FAQ.
United Health Care announced on March 27, 2020 it will reimburse occupational, physical, and speech therapy telehealth services provided by qualified health care professionals when rendered using interactive audio/video technology. Please reference the Telehealth FAQ.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is considering the coverage of telemedicine however, it is not clear if this includes occupational therapy as a provider and the policy is still under review. MiOTA has been in touch daily with a senior policy analyst with BCBSM regularly this past week.
Each occupational therapy provider needs to contact the insurance plan that they are seeking reimbursement for services and determine whether that plan covers telemedicine. While we are working as an organization to provide information related to policy and provider guidance related to reimbursement it is important for each entity to reach out to ensure reimbursement.
MiOTA is working closely with our lobbyist and consultants at AOTA to bring you the most accurate information. We will be updating the website, social media platforms, and through email communication to provide the most up-to-date information. *Disclaimer – information regarding telehealth and reimbursement is frequently changing and only up to date at the time of this letter.
Thank you for your patience, membership, and continued support of our profession during these unprecedented times. Be safe and healthy.
MiOTA Executive Committee
Cathleen C. Johnson, Leader of the Executive Committee and Membership Director
Jeanie Kunz, Advocacy Director
Bret Marr, MiOTA Lobbyist
Cindy Klinger, Financial Director
Jayne Yatczak, Member at Large
Kirsten Matthews, Former Leader of the Executive Committee & OT student Maggie Groth
Additional Resource:
-The Michigan Medicaid Manual goes into effect on April 1, 2020. Telemedicine information begins on page 1672.