Michigan Occupational Therapy Association

Interstate Licensure Compact

WHAT IS THE COMPACT? The Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact (OT Compact) is an interstate compact, or a formal agreement among states, to facilitate interstate practice of occupational therapy.

 WHY IS A COMPACT NEEDED? The compact will allow licensed OT’s and OTA’s to practice in all states that join the compact.HOW DOES THE COMPACT WORK? Once 10 states have enacted authorization legislation, the Compact will take effect. OT and OTA’s then can join the compact and work in those states only that are listed. As of September 26, 2021, nine states have enacted legislation.
MICHIGAN’S STAND ON THE COMPACT? Michigan gathering information from OT and OTA’s, as well as other disciplines to identify the need and concerns regarding a compact in Michigan. Pending the outcome of OT and OTA feedback and recommendations, the goal is to present alegislation policy proposal as early as 2022.
WHO HAS ENACTED COMPACT LEGISLATION (as of 9/26/2021)? New Hampshire, Colorado, Maine, Missouri, North Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia
Image from: https://otcompact.org/compact-map/
Infographic from: https://otcompact.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/OT_Compact_Infographic_Revised.pdf
MiOTA's Advocacy Committee:
Susan Robosan-Burt, Workgroup Chair
Caitlin Cornish
Denise Henderson

Interested in learning more or volunteering?
Contact Susan Robosan–Burt

OT COMPACT WEBSITE: https://otcompact.org/about/

Additional Resources:
NBCOT State Regulatory Leadership Forum Informational Webinar
AOTA–NBCOT® Joint Initiative: Developing the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact