Michigan Occupational Therapy Association


The OTA Special Interest Section of the Michigan Occupational Therapy Association provides information and resources to all OT practitioners and students, in particular focusing on the concerns and needs of OTAs in today’s health care arena. This SIS will support best practice in all areas where OTAs are employed. 

The OTA SIS will provide opportunities for networking, advocacy, mentoring and sharing concerns with OTAs throughout Michigan.
Next Meeting

Please email Mary Ellen East at maryelleneast@yahoo.com with any questions.

One (1) professional development unit (PDU) will be awarded to active MiOTA members in attendance. The certificate will be emailed to all attendees.

Guests are always welcome to see what MiOTA is about at the local level; however, after one free visit we request that you become a member in order to continue attending the chapter meetings. We hope that you like what you see and want to join. Membership link will be provided at meeting.

OTA SIS Contact: Mary Ellen East, COTA

Mary Ellen East has been an occupational therapy assistant practitioner and educator for over 25 years. Volunteering at both the national and state level which began as a student and has continued throughout her career. At the national level she has served in roles of OTA Vice-Chair for ASCOTA (now ASD), Chair COYA Network Steering Committee, Alternate Representative to the Representative Assembly, member for two terms on the Accreditation Council of Occupational Therapy Education, OTA Director on the AOTA Board of Directors, CPT Recoding committee. By-Laws Policy and Procedures, Awards and Recognition Committee member. At the state/local level volunteer positions include MiOTA Scholarship Committee Chair, Mental Health SIS, COTA Representative on the MiOTA Board, Annual Conference Committee, and Conference Co-Chair, and Fundraising Chair. Ms. East received the Award of Excellence and the Roster of Honor award from AOTA, As well as numerous service awards from AOTA and MiOTA.