Rehab SIS
The Rehabilitation Special Interest Section (SIS) of the Michigan Occupational Therapy Association aims to connect therapy practitioners in rehabilitation settings or those with an interest in rehabilitation. We strive to provide educational offerings that bring best practice to light, share resources, advocate for needs, and support one another. Priorities of this SIS include promoting evidence-based practice as well as navigating the complex world of rehabilitation.
- January (Virtual)
- May (Virtual)
- Fall Conference (In-person)
Please email the Rehabilitation SIS co-leaders Kim Ganzevoort or Libby Yost with questions
Rehab SIS Contacts:
Kim Ganzevoort, M.A., COTAL, has been practicing in adult rehabilitation for 17 years, primarily in inpatient rehab and long-term acute care. Kim also has experience in mental health, sub-acute, and acute care settings as well but have found her niche in neurorehabilitation. Kim has transitioned to an academic role with Western Michigan University where she serves as a clinical faculty specialist and program coordinator for the Sammons Rider Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. Kim is excited to impact the lives of students and their future occupational therapy practice while continuing to stay relevant in the field through clinical practice.
Libby Yost, OTD, OTRL, BCPR has been an OT for 13 years, and is currently a clinical assistant professor at UM-Flint's occupational therapy program. Much of her career was spent in inpatient rehabilitation, and she first found her passion in TBI rehab at Shirley Ryan Ability Lab in Chicago. She's a Michigander at heart though and came back to work for the University of Michigan in a variety of settings - IPR, acute care during COVID, and now, as a faculty supervisor at the pro-bono outpatient clinic, HEART, in Flint. Libby hopes to help bridge the gap between academia and clinical practice, and loves collaborating with practitioners, educators, patients, and students.