Michigan Occupational Therapy Association


Opportunities for Occupational Therapy Practitioners to Support and Participate in Research

Dear occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech pathology professionals,

We are Midwestern University researchers conducting a research study called “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual (LGBTQIA+) identity disclosure within the rehabilitation environment: Experiences of clients and healthcare professionals.” 

If you are an occupational therapy, physical therapy, or speech pathology professional who identifies as LGBTQIA+, we invite you to participate by telling us what you think about your workplace climate. For example, we want to know what you think about the general workplace environment for LGBTQIA+ employees, including inclusivity and discrimination, and reasons why you may have disclosed or concealed your identity in the workplace.  

If you are interested, we ask you to complete an anonymous survey. The survey should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to complete. 

You may follow this link in order to access the survey:  


You may also participate in an individual interview or focus group with other participants. This should take between 30-60 minutes. If you would like to participate in either an interview or focus group, please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Emily Simpson, Professor in the Occupational Therapy Program, at: 

Phone: (630) 515-7127 

Email: esimps@midwestern.edu  

Individuals who choose to participate in an individual interview or focus group will be entered into a lottery drawing for two (2) $50 gift cards.  

Please also consider passing the survey link and/or this email along to your colleagues. 

We appreciate your assistance. If you have any additional questions or would like to receive the results of this study upon its completion, you can contact the Principal Investigator of this study. 

Both this email and the study have been approved by the Midwestern University Institutional Review Board (#24055). 

Thank you for your time and consideration,  

Sam Dooley, BA, OTS-III 

Emily Simpson, PhD, OTR/L

Hello OT Professionals,

Our names are Julianna Cataldo and Josephine Aduba, and we are 2nd-year Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) students. We are conducting a research project titled: "Identifying Practitioner Perceived Knowledge Gaps in Occupational Therapy”

We are seeking participation from OTRs and COTAs across the U.S. to complete a brief survey. The goal of our research is to identify knowledge gaps that practitioners perceive in their practice and discuss how these gaps might impact their patient care delivery and its outcomes.

Why is this important?
Identifying and addressing these gaps can help strengthen the profession, enhance patient care, and guide future education and training. We ask for your input to make this research as comprehensive as possible.

If you’re an OTR or COTA, please take a few minutes to complete our survey. The survey is open to all OTRs and COTAs, and we encourage you to share this with colleagues who may be interested.

We truly appreciate your time and support in spreading the word. 

We have attached our flyer that contains a QR code to the survey, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and contact information if you have any questions!

We also added the link here that takes you directly to the survey! 

Link: https://cuw.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_exJrJ1abxVxegNo 

Thank you for contributing to the advancement of our profession!

Calling all occupational and physical therapists!  

We are asking for you to complete the following survey from a group of entry-level doctorate students in the Western Michigan University Occupational Therapy department. This survey study aims to examine what practicing occupational and physical therapists understand about the policies and service delivery processes that are involved when wheelchair seating and positioning equipment is recommended for our clients in the United States.  

This survey is for OT and PT practitioners that are not regularly involved in recommending wheelchair seating and positioning equipment. The survey will help guide education to increase confidence and awareness with the service delivery process, which will help us advocate for our clients! Your participation in the survey will be kept completely anonymous, your name will in no way be attached to your response. 

If you agree to participate, please click the link below. We encourage you to share our survey with other practitioners who may be interested! If you have any questions or would like more details of the study, please email Cara Masselink at cara.masselink@wmich.edu.  

Thank you in advance for your participation! 

Survey link: https://wmich.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0HhjD5dSoCftXF4  

NIDILRR-Funded survey of occupational therapy practitioners

 Occupational therapy practitioners who work with adults with physical or vision disabilities
Research Subject: Practice patterns and needs around occupational therapy assessment and intervention with parents and caregivers with physical and vision disabilities

Through the Looking Glass is conducting a NIDILRR-funded national survey of occupational therapists as part of a larger Field-Initiated Project to 1. improve online resources and other educational materials for OTPs and other professionals and 2. to enhance our web-based resources on services and equipment to support parenting. The survey is anonymous and should take between 10 and 15 minutes. Any OTP who has provided assessment or intervention services to adults with physical or vision disabilities is eligible to participate. You do not need to have provided services to a parent or caregiver or to have provided services focused on child-caregiving tasks to participate. Please forward this to anyone in your network who might be interested in participating. Thank you for your support!

You can take the survey at: 

Updated 1/21/2025