Research & Education SIS
The Research & Education Special Interest Section (SIS) of the Michigan Occupational Therapy Association is designed to support and meet the needs of occupational therapy practitioners. Guided by the AOTA research agenda, the SIS will provide a format for educators, emerging therapists, and experienced practitioners to collaborate to identify opportunities for improving and expanding occupational therapy services and identifying the positive impact for our clients.
The group will provide opportunities for networking, collaboration, sharing information, advocacy, and continuing education. Participation can include identification of practice challenges which would benefit from further research, learning about and implementing ideas generated from ongoing academic research, locally and nationally, collaboration in field research, and discussion of interdisciplinary research opportunities.
Next Meeting:
Meetings will be quarterly, held virtually and hosted by SIS Co-chairs. Meeting time will be the 2nd Mondays of March, July, October and December.
One (1) professional development unit (PDU) will be awarded to active MiOTA members in attendance. The certificate will be emailed to all attendees.
Guests are always welcome to see what MiOTA is about at the local level; however, after one free visit we request that you become a member in order to continue attending the chapter meetings. We hope that you like what you see and want to join. Membership link will be provided at meeting.
Meeting Documents:
Occupational Therapy and Nutrition- March 2025
Occupational Therapy and Teen Dating Violence- February 2025
Occupational therapy and the therapeutic nature of social connection- November 2024
Occupational Therapy and Health Literacy Month- October 2024
Occupational Therapy and Sickle Cell Awareness- September 2024
Occupational Therapy and Children's Eye Health- August 2024
Occupational Therapy and HIV- July 2024
Occupational Therapy and People with Alzheimer’s Disease- June 2024
Occupational Therapy and Foster Care Month- May 2024
Occupational Therapy and Autism Acceptance Month- Autistic Adults -April 2024
Occupational Therapy Interventions and Vision Issues - January 2024
Research Brief - December 2023
Research and Education SIS Contacts: Kathleen Garvey, Jayne Yatczak, and Regina Parnell.
As a NBCOT certified Occupational Therapist and AOTA/MiOTA member, Kathleen (Katie) Garvey has practiced in hospital inpatient rehabilitation, community-based reintegration settings, partial hospitalization programs, skilled nursing, assisted and independent living with groups and individuals. She has presented at national and state conferences and provided community education workshops for therapists, community dwelling older adults, and care partners. She has been a part time and guest lecturer at the EMU Occupational Therapy program. She led the implementation of the Positive Approach to Care (PAC) care partner model at United Methodist Retirement Communities from 2016 until 2021 as the resident Dementia Care Specialist. Funded by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, the initiative helped to train and educate professional staff, family members and greater community members to raise awareness and gain skills to better serve those living with dementia. The project resulted in Towsley Village Dementia Care residence earning national PAC Organizational Designation status. She served on the Michigan Dementia Coalition Lived Experience Committee and helped to start the Come As You Are Memory Café in Saline, MI. In July 2021, she became the Executive Director of Senior Care of Orange County in Hillsborough, North Carolina, which provides a community-based day health program for adults needing extra support.
Dr. Jayne Yatczak is an associate professor and past program director of the Occupational Therapy Program at Eastern Michigan University (EMU). She has been an occupational therapist for over 20 years. She has experience in clinical education, acute care, sub-acute rehab, and inpatient geriatric psychiatry. Her work at Eastern Michigan includes leading the occupational therapy program in accreditation and in strategic planning. She has been the lead in developing partnerships between the occupational therapy program and the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Chelsea Senior Center, and StoryPoint Senior Living. These partnerships offer a multitude of opportunities to serve the local community, train OT students, and collaborate with other professionals. Dr. Yatczak’s research in the scholarship of teaching and learning has focused on knowledge transfer across the curriculum, professional development in health professions education, student and faculty thriving, professional socialization in occupational therapy, team-based learning and problem-based learning in occupational therapy education, and inter-professional education. She has been published and presented at international, national and state conferences in the area team-based learning, professional socialization and development. Professional Memberships include the American Occupational Therapy Association and the Michigan Occupational Therapy Association.